Top Parenting Tips For Single Mothers

Being a mother is one of the prodigious experiences a woman can have. But being a single parent can be hard. Raising a child can be stressful if you have to do it all alone. 

Today, many men and women are opting to be single parents and it can be a good thing sometimes to bring up a child in a happy home. Single parents are more common than ever. Child-rearing is difficult anyway. But, as a single parent, the stakes are higher as the single parent is having the sole responsibility of all aspects of child care that can result in added pressure, stress and fatigue. Juggling work and childcare can be financially difficult and socially isolating at the same time. 

When it comes to the best practices for parenting, there can be many answers. In fact if you would ask hundred different mothers, you would get hundred different answers. As it is very rightly said, different strokes for different folks. However, we have tried to come up here with some tips for single mothers to bring some clarity and calm to the situation that can be a difficult journey sometimes. 

It is real hard, but not impossible and you're not alone. In the end, seeing your child grow into a well-raised, respectful and loving human being will be worth all the effort and hardships, believe me, you’re going to forget this struggle once and for all.    

Here are some tips for single mothers to make the best of their family life.   

  • Show some love- That's quite important. Don't forget to praise your child. Give him or her your unconditional support and love to make him/her believe that you're with them and they can look up to you if they are facing any challenge. Set aside some time to spend with your child, be it playtime, reading time or just to sit and talk.

  • Have a set routine – Having a set routine or schedule helps family life run more smoothly. You’ll be organized, less stressed and will find more time for enjoyable activities. Daily routines can develop life skills in children and help to build healthy habits. Be consistent and don't change the routines very often. Try to lead with actions and not words.

  • Find quality childcare – If you feel you need childcare regularly, look for a person who is a qualified caregiver and can provide stimulation in a safe environment. Do not ask a new friend or partner to watch your child until you trust them fully. Do not rely fully on the older child as the babysitter. 

  • Set family rules – Family rules are important to make children understand what behaviors are acceptable and what are not. Having rules at home make children follow them at other places too. It is important to communicate rules clearly to avoid any power struggles. You need to be very careful about keeping family rules as they should not be very harsh.

  • Focus more on the behavior that you want to instigate – As parents, we nag so much. But here while dealing with children, important is to understand your child's perspective and work on that. You can use your own behavior to make your child understand. Keep your promises and listen to your children actively. Use positive language. Teach them about positive body language. These all are the probable techniques to promote positive behavior in kids. Stop being too strict with children as it likely will backfire and can lead to a rebellious attitude in children.

  • Say sorry to your children – We often fall short of expectations. Acknowledge your flaws as none of us is perfect and children need to learn this fact

  • Talk about separation or divorce – Most of the time the single-parent family is the result of separation or divorce. In this case, you should talk to your child about it. The changes that the situation brought. Listen to their feelings and try to answer their questions nicely. Never say bad about the child’s other parent. Let the child be in the neutral zone. Tell them that they were not responsible for the separation and you will love them forever. 

  • Have people of the opposite sex in your life who are not romantic partners – It is absolutely fine to seek out positive non-romantic relationships of the opposite sex with the responsible members of the family or community. They might serve as a role model for your child. Show them that it is ok to have positive, long-term relationships with members of the opposite sex.

  • Take care of yourself – Being a single parent you have to be the pillar of strength for your family members. It is important to take care of yourself first so that you can take care of others in a better way. 

  • Teach your children gratitude – Children in single-parent families often are very well aware of the things that they miss out on while other families have them like these kids are often heard complaining about less money or going out for holidays or having both their parents at school functions. It is very important to teach them not to always focus on the holes in our lives and count on the positive things too to save them from being unhappy and depressed. 

  • Always be accessible and available for your kids – You should keep old things in mind but should not always dwell on them. Embrace your present and discover it together with your kids. Be a helping hand for them. Set up a support system for them. Connect often with other family and friends, peers and adults. Ensure to have a fun-filled, happy environment at home for kids and yourself.            

While you can come up with a couple of your own rules and family guidelines, add your own identity and flavor to it. Try to involve your children more and make it a team effort. It does not have to be an uphill struggle all the time. Becoming a great family again has to be exciting, even if it starts a little rough. Make time for each other, love more, laugh more.
